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PreK Program 


Our PreK program is dedicated to meeting the needs of each individual child.  We are focused on building a strong Social Emotional Learning (SEL) foundation through weekly class meetings, aware of the leap that is made in Kindergarten.  We build self efficacy and confidence in our children with a play based and Reggio Emilia inspired approach which highlights expression through a child's 100 Languages. And we are committed to bridging home and school in an effort to form relationships with families that will insure healthy and happy growth and development.


Village Bloom has received amazing feedback from local schools regarding children that have entered their programs ready for success in their first year of their formal educational journey. In our PreK classroom children will work with the educational guidance of "Handwriting Without Tears" to move through the initial stages of letter recognition, fine motor skills, letter formation, and letter sounds. Mathematic awareness is accomplished through classroom provocations that encourage children to recognize numbers, practice one to one correspondence, create patterns and gain an interest in how numbers impact our daily lives. This practice is one component of our holistic approach to a child being "ready" for Kindergarten. 


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